
A Happy Ending to the Tale of Sophie!

By December 11, 2013 No Comments

My husband and I adopted Sophie yesterday as an emotional support animal. We were all a little nervous on the ride home… We were warned of her escape efforts. She warmed up to us quickly, and within 10 minutes of getting her home she was in our laps and didn’t leave all evening! We were each awoken in the middle of the night with a dog face on my pillow, and a dog leg in his ribs! She had wedged herself between us and was sleeping comfortably (that makes one of us! Totally worth it.) She has had ample opportunity to run away, and has stayed put every time one of us steps outside! As I’m sure you know, Sophie is a little camera shy. I’ve learned to sneak photos of her. We could not imagine a more loving dog! Thank you, thank you for this perfect dog! Our household feels complete.

Originally posted at Brightside Animal Center’s Facebook Wall: A Happy Ending to the Tale of Sophie!
Author admin

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