Bright BeginningsVideos

An adoption to make our hearts sing. Sally went home to Portland with Kelly tod…

By February 25, 2014 No Comments

An adoption to make our hearts sing. Sally went home to Portland with Kelly today. Kelly is an RN facing knee surgery that will put her at home for some months; she wanted a doggie companion to join her current dog to keep her company. She just lost to old age her previous labbie girl who was also a rescue. Kelly fell in love with Sally. Sally has one blown knee, one fractured pelvis, and nerve damage — all of which contribute to Sally's wonky walk; and Sally was very sad. She didn't used to be like that. Sally came to us a couple years ago, young, healthy and sweet. After two adoptions (she was returned and then adopted out again), she was recently returned with this physical and permanent injury. This is Sally's third adoption. Different this time is that Sally and Kelly were paired after sharing videos, adoption applications, and talking — their pairing is the product of our new matching adoptions system. What Sally doesn't know is that this new adoptions system was created because of her.

Originally posted at Brightside Animal Center’s Facebook Wall: An adoption to make our hearts sing.

Sally went home to Portland with Kelly tod…

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