Bright Beginnings

Dog rescued from irrigation canal now at BrightSide

By September 17, 2018 No Comments

Officer Hamlin rescued dog from irrigation ditch.Today, yet another example of CSO Hamlin’s extraordinary work as a member of the Redmond Police Department. This afternoon, RPD received a phone call of a small dog pinned up against the debris gate in the Central Oregon Irrigation District-owned canal which parallels NW Canal Blvd behind Home Depot in Redmond. The alert COID employee who found the dog noted the force of the water was preventing the dog from being able to escape the canal. The grate is used to prevent debris and large objects from entering the portion of the canal which flows under N Hwy 97, near exit 119. CSO Hamlin to the rescue.

Hapless dog trapped in irrigation canalCSO Hamlin, using his ingenuity (and a catchpole), was able to get control of the dog and pull it to safety after climbing out onto the debris gate. Additionally, Redmond Fire and Rescue held onto CSO Hamlin to ensure he did not fall in. Other than being a little cold and wet, the dog was okay. It is unknown how long the dog was in the water. The dog was taken to Brightside Animal Center for safekeeping.

Author admin

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