Bright Beginnings

Never a replacement dog. A lovely couple contacted us from Klamath Falls — t…

By October 20, 2013 No Comments

Never a replacement dog. A lovely couple contacted us from Klamath Falls — they were interested in Carson, a bouyant, young, Pointer boy who had recently come to us. Was the dog good with birds? We looked around, saw cats and dogs to test Carson with — he did great with both — but birds? Our director came out of her office when she heard we had a pointer and tested him with a couple of hunting commands…while he didn't know those, he did fetch which led those who know to suggest he might (or might not) be hunt-able with some training. The couple sent us an application, a great looking application, and jumped in their truck and came up. They were wonderful with Carson and teary-eyed as they told us of their labrador retriever they had had forever who had passed away a couple years ago and they were just now ready to look for another dog. Did it really matter if Carson could hunt? No, they were looking for a family dog primarily but had thought about hunting maybe. Carson, they told us, would not be a replacement dog, but he would be a new dog with whom they could share life and love. We understood and said that, the way we saw it, giving another dog a loving home was honoring the spirit of their first wonderful dog. A new dog is never a replacement dog, but a living and loving homage to the soul of the first….and of all dogs.

Originally posted at Brightside Animal Center’s Facebook Wall: Never a replacement dog.

A lovely couple contacted us from Klamath Falls — t…

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