Bright Beginnings

The BLOCK PARTY Celebration at BrightSide today was funtastic! Even though we h…

By May 5, 2013 No Comments

The BLOCK PARTY Celebration at BrightSide today was funtastic! Even though we had hurricane winds to deal with, we prevailed and enjoyed all aspects of the event. We especially loved seeing so many of our alumni dogs returning for a visit. Here is Chris with 'Hero Dog' Nala. For those of you who are new friends of the shelter, Nala's story is special in that she found and alerted volunteer dog walker, Alan, there was a dog in need. That's when a lost blind dog named Chadwick that was nearly frozen to death was rescued and saved! Nala eventually found her forever home and is now living the grand life!

Originally posted at Brightside Animal Center’s Facebook Wall: The BLOCK PARTY Celebration at BrightSide today was funtastic!
Even though we h…
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