Bright Beginnings

Brothers in, Brothers out! A 4 year yellow lab and a 7-9 year golden retrieve…

By October 14, 2013 No Comments

Brothers in, Brothers out! A 4 year yellow lab and a 7-9 year golden retriever were surrendered to us by a man who lost his home. Handsome and very nice dogs that found the shelter chaos/kenneling overwhelming. While the 4 year lab was behaviorally assessed as great but needing vaccinations and neutering, the senior golden was so depressed the trainers could not do an assessment. How do you assess a dog standing still, tail so far between the legs you had to bend down and look up to see it? We posted them immediately on petfinder, but their feed to our website was down so not many people saw them. Luckily a nice family in Sunriver was looking for a golden as their son had just lost his senior golden. When they saw our posting about the two dogs coming in together and our desire to place them together, they contacted us and their application stated they had owned a golden retriever and lab combination and wanted to do so again. A couple acres, fenced backyard, working from home, veteran dog owners and lovers….a fantastic opportunity. After chatting with everyone, the son came up yesterday, met the dogs and his eyes welled with tears as he watched the golden being reunited with his brother lab and the tail going high up with happiness. We all got teary-eyed as the boys bounced around the large quiet room together….happiness everywhere. The son asked, "Can we take them both now? I don't want them to be anything but happy together." Of course we said, "Yes", took adoption fees and deposits and made a future surgery appt for them both (the senior golden badly needed ear cleaning and a dental). And the three boys sailed off in the Subaru, with us getting text messages saying how well they had made themselves at home…in their new and forever secure home. Brothers in, brothers out…..a beautiful day.

Originally posted at Brightside Animal Center’s Facebook Wall: Brothers in, Brothers out!

A 4 year yellow lab and a 7-9 year golden retrieve…

Author admin

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